Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mommy and Daddy to be :D

Today, I'm officially 39 weeks pregnant. I am a happy mommy-to-be! I so can't wait to see my baby. Both my husband and I are super-excited. Everyday I pray for the best for my baby! I love you, anak mommy! :) To be honest, being pregnant gives me a very different yet exciting experience. First three months were not so good, had morning/afternoon/evening sickness. hehe. I had cravings but had to vomit it out again after a while. But it got better in my second trimester. I just couldn't stop eating and I thank Allah that I didn't have weird cravings. Alhamdulillah. Now I'm already in my 3rd trimester, it's totally different again. I couldn't eat much because I'll get very 'sanak'! it seems like I don't really have space in my tummy hehe. Apart from eating, it's so amazing that I could feel my baby's movement. my baby's so cute!! :) Today, I'm already on my maternity leave and I'm just waiting for the day that my baby will pop. I can't wait! I hope both my husband and I can be great parents to our baby and we will do the best for our baby. I know nobody likes 'pantangs' but I think I find it very interesting. can't wait to go through the 'Pantangs'. Not sure if I can tahan for 40 days but I know it's gonna be very exciting. Not just the pantangs, I hope I can cope with the lack of sleep at night. I hope my baby can sleep well at night so I can sleep well too! hehehehehe. Alright, I'm done. It's time for me to rest and sleep! have a good day.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

something to ponder upon..

To tell you the truth, trying and struggling to have a perfect marriage life is not easy. Everywhere you go, your spouse will always be by your side. We tend to get bored of the same routine, we tend to fall out of love once we live together and going through the same routine for more than a year. However, we should not be so negative about living together. We should be doing something about it. Think about the things that make you fall for your spouse before you got married. Besides, find time to do something new and something exciting that both of you could enjoy. As for me, I'd like to travel together to a new place and experience new things.

So far, every time I think about the sweetest things that we have done before we got married, it makes me fall for my husband over and over again.. A good statement that was written by David J. Schwartz has made me think that marriage is not about living together but the big objective in marriage is 'peace, happiness and tranquility, not winning quarrels or saying 'i could have told you so''. What everyone wants in life is happiness. :)

Do those little things that you love and enjoy for each other and build intimacy. :D

well, that was just a thought to brighten up my day. I miss my husband.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

A different life

Surprisingly, I have not updated this blog after I got married to the wonderful man of my life. To date, Isa and I have been married for 6 month and 28 days and I really have enjoyed my life from the first day I became his wife. 22nd July 2011 was the day that I got hitched and it was a very memorable and wonderful day for me and for my husband. As expected, I cried when I hugged my parents! =') tears of joy. my first tears of joy. 24th July 2011 was the day we had our big reception. that was also the happiest day of my life. everyone smiled and everyone was happy. Thank you Allah for giving me such a wonderful life and filled with wonderful people in it. Thank you..

True, there has been a lot of ups and downs once we are married. Alhamdulillah, we managed to go through all of them with patience. I can't thank Allah enough for giving me such an understanding husband. I hope nothing will change this perfect life.

Lastly, I will try my best to be the best wife for Isa.. =)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

revision time!





Homeeeen~ Exam is in a week's time and so far, I have not learned or understood much. I am trying my best to get everything my head and heart! I CAN DO THIS. I KNOW I CAN DO THIS!!

Wish me luck! I think I miss writing and say my heart out to you, blog.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

jobless and bored.

Today is Saturday and I'm so not used to sitting at home and watch tv the whole day on Saturday! haha! I was always out and about. Now, I'm on leave and do nothing at home. Packed my things, my room is quite clean and neat, house is clean, so I'm not too sure what else I can work on! but I can't wait for tomorrow, I'm gonna go for a spa. Monday will be a happy day! Bapa, Mama and Nisah will be back!!!! and I'm gonna go to see my wedding dress!! weeeehu~

My feelings at the moment are excited, nervous, happy.. excited! =) I just can't wait for Friday 22nd July! oh please come faster already. i can't wait to gather with my whole family, my cousins, my aunties and uncles and friends! I can't wait. but it's okay, I have to wait patiently, i'm trying! =) staying at home and do nothing makes me hungry all the time!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAH. ok bye.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Appreciate the people who love you, who are there for you all the time when you need them, those people who give you good advice and people who help you when you're having difficult times :) those people are your parents, your family, your husband, your best-friends, your friends, your enemies (for opening your heart and eyes to be a better person), your maid for doing all the work for you at home and never forget, the first person to be appreciated is Allah for giving you everything that you always need. Terima kasih Allah. Without Him, Allah, I am nothing and I can never find the people who can love me for who I am and I don't think I'll be at where I am now.

Anyway, I am on study leave. I need to stop complaining. I need to study! Though I hate doing this, I just have to do it because my exam is next week! It's too late for me to cancel :D pfft~ But it's ok, I know Allah is there for me...

I can't wait for next week when exam is over, my brother will be here, Singapore, Emblem night, focusing on my wedding. :D Yay~ wedding wedding wedding.. I can't wait to see my wedding dress! Nisaaaaaaaaaaah, I wish you're here to feel this exciting moment with me!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Less than 3 months to go!

Hello!! I have less than 3 months to our big day! I so can't wait. =) I don't wanna panic now. Yes, I still have things pending to do. I hope everything can be done by May! Sometimes I feel I need a very grand wedding, I want it to be big and memorable. However, at times, I think these are all unnecessary. I just need a simple, sweet and memorable wedding. As long as it goes very smoothly and perfectly. What matters the most at the end of the day is being Isa's wife and to live happily ever after till the end of our lives. My view on having a very grand wedding is just to show people that we can afford to have a big wedding, we can afford to have beautiful wedding dress and such. But, when you think about it thoroughly, you might end up having a big sum of debt (that depends on the family, really).

So far, I feel very unorganized. I feel that my wedding is unorganized at the moment. I just don't have time to do a lot of things. or maybe, I have a problem with managing my time :). Well, I have less than 3 months to go. I have about 6 weekends to settle important ones:

1) facial
2) Spa
3) wedding dress (3 pasang)
4) confirm on Pelamin (if any changes)
5) shoes!
6) Hantaran (this will be in Singapore) and to arrange properly with my hantaran designer on sending them to Isa.

So far, that's the list!

I have an exam to sit for on 24th May! wish me luck! mwah.

Oh, I can sense that I'm gonna cry on my Nikah day when I salam my daddy. :').